Elderbloggers: Hear Them Roar
November 11th, 2008I was asked by Blogs.com to list my ten favorite blogs by, or about, senior citizens. The full list is here, but I wanted to give some context on some of these wonderful elderbloggers and their sites:
Dad’s Tomato Garden Journal, written by a Knoxville gentleman named Ray White, who signs all his correspondence “Dad,” and who started the blog “for the main purpose of helping others produce a good home grown tomato”
Freaque Waves: An emeritus research physical oceanographer’s blog that offers “Personal views, not necessarily in the mainstream or conventional, on freak waves, rogue waves, as well as wind generated waves in general”
A Little Red Hen, who describes her worldview as “peace, politics, yarnlife after 60,” and whose safe-sex activism sees her knitting amulets to store condoms in
Dogwalk Musings: “This blog is a compilation of things I think about while walking the dog”
Grandma’s Musings, by an 80 year-old “pilgrim and wayfarer” of the Roman Catholic persuasion
The Late Life Crisis, written by an 85 year-old gent named Pete Lustig, one of whose “Great Truths About Growing Old” is, “When you fall down, you wonder what else you can do while you are down there.”
Golden Lucy’s Spiral Journal, kept by “a reasonably sane senior able to appreciate a good joke as well as a lovely dinner at a nice restaurant”